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How to make pearls shine again

Due to their organic composition, pearls can lose their original shine over time.

While people are divided on whether pearls can still ‘shine again’, we were able to find a 5-step solution that can bring back the glory (or even just half of it) to your pearl earrings, necklaces or bracelets.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 3 clean soft cloths (dry)

  • 1 cup filled with warm water

  • Gentle soap (liquid)

  • 1 clean towel

  • Olive oil

Step 1

Add a few drops of gentle soap into the cup of warm water and mix thoroughly.

Step 2

Dip a clean soft cloth into the soap solution. Use this to wipe the pearls.

Step 3

Wet another clean soft cloth. Wipe away the soapy water from the pearls thoroughly with this one.

Make sure you clean all the soap from the pearls. Not doing so will allow soap residue to further dull the surface.

Step 4

Leave the pearls to dry on a clean towel. If it’s a pearl necklace you’re working on, lay it flat on the towel to dry.

Step 5

Apply a small amount of olive oil to the remaining clean soft cloth. Wipe the pearls gently with the cloth so that the olive oil coats the pearls very lightly.

For those who are good with a temporary repeatable solution, here’s an alternative to Step 5: Rub the pearls on the side of your nose (make sure you don’t have cosmetics on when you do this).

Some sources claim that the skin on the human nose produces a special oil that contains squalene, an excellent lubricant that you can substitute for olive oil.


For maintenance, it pays to know how to properly store pearls to maintain their natural shine and beauty.

Avoid storing pearls in airtight containers and zip-top plastic bags. They need to ‘breathe’ and get moisturised.

Keeping them stored for a long time affects their organic composition. They’ll dehydrate, tarnish, turn yellow, crack and chip.

Instead of stowing them in an airtight container, roll them in a soft cloth or linen for breathability. Keep them flat as much as possible and wear them when you can to get moisturised from the natural oil of your skin.

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