6 tips for picking the perfect size for your engagement ring
So you’ve chosen out a beautiful rose gold engagement ring, and it’s time to choose a size. Surely it’s just about measuring your finger and picking the size that suits, right?
For better or worse, picking your perfect ring size is a little more complicated than that. There are a few considerations that need to be made, and you’d be wise to spend a little bit of time getting the sizing right, lest you end up with a ring that you can’t wear.
So, let’s take a look at 6 tips that’ll help you choose the perfect ring size every time.
Go to a professional
Jewellers have the tools and the know-how to get your sizing spot on. While measuring at home might give you an approximation of size, a professional jeweller will be far more accurate.
Do it twice
If you’re sizing an important ring, go to two jewellers before settling on a size. It’s always smart to get a second opinion.
Aim for an afternoon sizing
Mid to late afternoon is the perfect time to get your ring sized. Your fingers will fluctuate in size through the day, but during this time they’ll be at their largest and most stable.
Consider the width
A wide band is usually the most comfortable choice, but it will offer less margin for error in sizing than a thin band will.
Consider the metal
Some particularly soft metals can be prone to warping. If you choose a thin banded silver or high karat gold band, it may become loose over time. The good thing is these metals are easy to resize.
Can it be resized?
But some types of rings cannot be resized. Metals like titanium and tungsten, styles like tension and eternity, and materials like ceramic and timber cannot be changed after the fact. If you’re prone to big shifts in weight, these choices may not be the best for you.