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A guide to diamond fluorescence

When looking for that all-important diamond wedding ring or engagement ring in Adelaide – no doubt you’ve heard terms such as Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat floating about. These indicators are the accredited bedrock in determining the grade of the diamond – a grading system set up by the world renowned Gemological Institute of America. Although the 4c’s of diamonds are extremely important – there is often a term that gets overlooked when choosing diamonds and that is diamond fluorescence. Here is a look at what diamond fluorescence is and how it affects the worth of diamonds.

Quite simply, it is the soft glow that a diamond releases under an ultra violet light. Most diamond fluorescence is blue in colour, however, there are rare occurrences that the diamonds will actually emit a yellow, white or other coloured glow.

Diamond fluorescence in reality only affects about 30% of all diamonds mined. It occurs due to certain trace minerals within the diamonds, which will cause a diamond to glow blue under UV light. Even though the diamonds in this percentile contain fluorescence it is estimated that only around 10% of diamond have enough fluorescent strength to affect the physical characteristic of the diamond (causing it to glow).

With the blue glow emitted from the fluorescent diamond – it, for the most part, has little to no effect on the overall diamond characteristic or price. There are however instances where the blue glow is said to cause weak coloured yellow diamonds appear white or colourless, due to the ultraviolet light contained in daylight. Because of this, near colourless yellow diamonds tend to have a very strong bluish fluorescence which trade professionals have said can, in turn, increase the price of the diamond. However, with higher grades of diamonds (D to H range), blue fluorescence is not as desirable within the trade as the fluorescence is said to give the diamond an oily appearance under UV light. This is said to affect the price of diamonds up to 15% as it is perceived as a defect.

Therefore when purchasing an engagement or wedding ring it is important to know all the factors associated with purchasing your diamond as minor perceived (but barely noticeable) issues such as diamond fluorescence can, in turn, end up saving you a lot come purchase day.

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